The voyage API endpoint allows updating a voyage.
Code | Description |
400 | Bad Request. |
404 | Voyage Not Found |
422 | Unprocessable Entity. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
curl "" -d '{"voyage": { "Captain": "Cook", "at_of_departure": "2024-12-05T18:41:17.422Z" }}' -X PATCH -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Token token=YOURTOKEN"
Param name | Description |
number required |
The voyage number, identifies the voyage to be updated. Validations:
voyage required |
A hash with voyage attributes. Validations:
voyage[discharge_destination_id] optional |
The discharge destination ID. Validations:
voyage[discharge_destination_type] optional |
The discharge destination type. Valid values are Terminal, Berth Area, or Port. Validations:
voyage[number] optional |
The voyage number. Validations:
voyage[vessel_name] optional |
The vessel (ship) name. Notice this param is case sensitive. Validations:
voyage[agent_id] optional , nil allowed |
Agent ID. Validations:
voyage[arrival_pilot_id] optional , nil allowed |
Arrival pilot ID. Validations:
voyage[assigned_berth_area_id] optional , nil allowed |
Assigned berth area ID. Validations:
voyage[assigned_yard_area_id] optional , nil allowed |
Assigned yard area ID. Validations:
voyage[at_berth_departure] optional , nil allowed |
Actual time of berth departure. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[at_of_anchorage] optional , nil allowed |
Actual time of anchorage. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[at_of_berth] optional , nil allowed |
Actual time of berth. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[at_of_customs_clearance] optional , nil allowed |
Actual time of customs clearance. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[at_of_departure] optional , nil allowed |
Actual time of departure. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[at_of_departure_pilot_boarded] optional , nil allowed |
Actual time the departure pilot boarded. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[at_of_pilot_boarded] optional , nil allowed |
Actual time the pilot boarded. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[berth_end_position] optional , nil allowed |
Berth end position. Validations:
voyage[berth_start_position] optional , nil allowed |
Berth start position. Validations:
voyage[block_receiving_export_past_cut_off] optional , nil allowed |
Block receiving export cargo after the cut off time. Validations:
voyage[cancelled] optional , nil allowed |
Cancelled. Validations:
voyage[captain] optional , nil allowed |
Captain. Validations:
voyage[departed_last_port_on] optional , nil allowed |
Departed last port date. Validations:
voyage[departure_pilot_id] optional , nil allowed |
Departure pilot ID. Validations:
voyage[et_of_anchorage] optional , nil allowed |
Estimated time of anchorage. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[et_of_berth] optional , nil allowed |
Estimated time of berth. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[et_of_departure] optional , nil allowed |
Estimated time of departure. Date must be in ISO 8601 format (eg. ‘2024-06-09T09:30:00ZZ). Validations:
voyage[last_port_of_call_id] optional , nil allowed |
Last port of call ID. Validations:
voyage[next_port_of_call_id] optional , nil allowed |
Next port of call ID. Validations:
voyage[receiving_cut_off_time] optional , nil allowed |
Receiving cut off time. Validations:
voyage[stevedoring_company_id] optional , nil allowed |
Stevedoring company ID. Validations:
voyage[tax_date] optional , nil allowed |
Tax date. Validations:
voyage[time_labour_ashore] optional , nil allowed |
Time labour ashore. Validations:
voyage[time_labour_onboard] optional , nil allowed |
Time labour onboard. Validations:
voyage[flex_fields] optional , nil allowed |
An array of hashes, where each hash contains a flex field’s canonical name and the corresponding value to be set on the container. Validations: