Create an interchange for a truck visit.
Code | Description |
404 | Not found. |
422 | Unprocessable Entity. |
500 | Internal Server Error. |
409 | Entity conflict. |
curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{ "purpose": "drop_off_container", "container_number": "CAIU2340022", "container_status": "full", "booking_number": "10543688", "chassis_number": "SEFZ104186" }'
{ "id": 12345, "container_status": "full", "truck_visit_id": 4567, "complete": false, "completed_at": null, "for_container": true, "for_chassis": false, "for_genset": false, "type": "interchange_in", "container": { "id": 1119659, "number": "CAIU2340022", "status": "full", "has_damages": false, "is_reefer": false, "is_flatrack": false, "unlifted_holds_exist": false, "chassis": { "id": 882733, "number": "SEFZ104186" } }, "chassis": { "id": 882733, "number": "SEFZ104186" }, "booking": { "id": 287504, "trucking_company_id": 467, "is_runner": false, "booking_number": "10543688", "voyage_number": "200S", "ship_name": "FS IPANEMA", "port_of_discharge": "ARUBA (AWAUA)", "port_of_loading": "PORT EVERGLADES (USPEF)", "port_of_delivery": "ARUBA (AWAUA)", "shipper": { "name": "SHIPPER INC." }, "trucking_company": { "name": "Seaboard" }, "items": [ { "id": 16193771, "line_item_number": 10, "quantity": 1, "description": "", "container": { "id": null, "display_name": null }, "dock_receipt_cargos": [], "hazmat_codes": [], "hazmat_ids_and_codes": {}, "hazmat_classes": [], "container_type": { "label": "20CT" } }, { "id": 1395330, "line_item_number": 4, "quantity": 1, "description": "CARGO NOS", "container": { "id": null, "display_name": null }, "dock_receipt_cargos": [], "hazmat_codes": [], "hazmat_ids_and_codes": {}, "hazmat_classes": [], "container_type": { "label": "40HC" } } ], "all_items": [ { "id": 16193771, "line_item_number": 10, "quantity": 1, "description": "", "container": { "id": null, "display_name": null }, "dock_receipt_cargos": [], "hazmat_codes": [], "hazmat_ids_and_codes": {}, "hazmat_classes": [], "container_type": { "label": "20CT" } }, { "id": 1395327, "line_item_number": 1, "quantity": 1, "description": "CARGO NOS", "container": { "id": 1101190, "display_name": "BSIU2346474" }, "dock_receipt_cargos": [], "hazmat_codes": [], "hazmat_ids_and_codes": {}, "hazmat_classes": [], "container_type": { "label": "20CT" } }, { "id": 1395328, "line_item_number": 2, "quantity": 1, "description": "CARGO NOS", "container": { "id": 1119413, "display_name": "SMLU7903607" }, "dock_receipt_cargos": [], "hazmat_codes": [], "hazmat_ids_and_codes": {}, "hazmat_classes": [], "container_type": { "label": "20CT" } }, { "id": 1395330, "line_item_number": 4, "quantity": 1, "description": "CARGO NOS", "container": { "id": null, "display_name": null }, "dock_receipt_cargos": [], "hazmat_codes": [], "hazmat_ids_and_codes": {}, "hazmat_classes": [], "container_type": { "label": "40HC" } }, { "id": 1395329, "line_item_number": 3, "quantity": 1, "description": "CARGO NOS", "container": { "id": 1119444, "display_name": "SMLU3105445" }, "dock_receipt_cargos": [], "hazmat_codes": [], "hazmat_ids_and_codes": {}, "hazmat_classes": [], "container_type": { "label": "20CT" } }, { "id": 1395333, "line_item_number": 7, "quantity": 1, "description": "CARGO NOS", "container": { "id": 1114166, "display_name": "TCNU6028886" }, "dock_receipt_cargos": [], "hazmat_codes": [], "hazmat_ids_and_codes": {}, "hazmat_classes": [], "container_type": { "label": "40HC" } } ] }, "export_release": null }
Param name | Description |
truck_visit_id required |
Truck visit ID. Validations:
purpose required |
Purpose of the interchange. Validations:
container_number optional |
Container number to create interchange. Validations:
container_status optional |
Container status. Validations:
booking_number optional |
Booking number for the interchange. Validations:
container_type_label optional |
Container type label. Validations:
chassis_number optional |
Chassis number. Validations:
genset_number optional |
Genset number. Validations:
export_release_number optional |
Export release number for the interchange. Validations:
bill_of_lading_number optional |
Bill of lading number for the interchange. Validations:
delivery_order_number optional |
Delivery order number for the interchange. Validations:
completed_at optional |
The date and time at which interchange was completed, in ISO 8601 format (Eg 2023-04-13T14:30:00Z). Providing this value will create the interchange with a completed status. Validations:
temperature_letter_port_of_discharge optional |
Temperature letter port of discharge (eg. “HTPAP”) Validations:
temperature_letter_vgm optional |
Temperature letter VGM in your organization’s weight unit preference (eg. 2345.0) Validations: